Daily Conversations for Screen Management: Day 6

Digital Parenting Day 6: Saturday

Review: We will not add any new lessons over the weekend. Today is a chance to review and tomorrow is a chance to rest.

  • Prayerfully consider if you are willing to invest 10-15 minutes Monday-Friday in order to improve harmony, character, self-control and screen use in your family. Identify the difficulties of committing to a daily family conversation. Identify what motivates you to make this commitment for your family. 
  • Decide what time of day would work best for you to set aside a few minutes to review the teaching video and discuss questions to prepare for your family conversation. Decide what time of day might work best to have a regular family conversation. 
  • Ask your children for feedback about their likes and dislikes about the way you manage their screen use. Accept their feedback without arguing, defending, or justifying yourself. You are just gathering information. It is ok if you disagree with their feedback. Invite them to tell you if they wish you handled screens differently. If they request more time than you normally allow, consider granting them a one time reasonable increase in screen allowance. This flexibility on your part can help increase their buy in to the Digital Parenting process as you move forward.
  • Ask your spouse what he/she likes and dislikes about how the family is managing screens. Share your opinion with your spouse.

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